Zoom Teeth Whitening on the Upper West Side
Cosmetic Dentistry in the Upper West Side of Manhattan NY
A brighter, whiter smile is just a few clicks away.
Our dental team will create the smile you’ve always dreamed of having. Contact us if you have any questions or to schedule an appointment!
Zoom in-office treatment is the easiest, quickest, most effective, and most stable whitening modality in dentistry. Simply put, there is no better whitening technique available. Most often, we are whitening teeth in conjunction with placing crowns, laminates, or bonding on adjacent teeth. Not only does the shade of white that we achieve hold up well over time, but it matches nicely with the ceramic restorations we place. And another advantage is that you won’t need to bother with any nightly trays, messy gels, or strips.
Does this process get my teeth whiter than other modalities?
Yes. The accelerated bleach is 25% hydrogen peroxide and saturates teeth deeper than other systems. The blue LED light helps to oxygenate the gel, and the result is consistent and natural-looking.
Will it cause teeth sensitivity afterwards?
We get this question often. During the procedure, there is little to no sensitivity. Our bleaching technician consistently checks in with you to make sure you are comfortable. Immediately after the treatment is complete, we apply a fluoride gel. We also send you home with a desensitizing gel to use that evening, if necessary. Mild sensitivity may be experienced for 24 hours but rarely longer.
Will my teeth look too white, opaque, or fake?
No, our Zoom whitening system gives you natural-looking results every time. Your teeth will look nice and naturally translucent, with a lighter, cleaner look.
How long is the appointment?
We recommend you plan for 90 minutes. Dr. Kirsch will first examine your teeth to make sure you are a good candidate. Then, we’ll polish your teeth prior to whitening. Once your lips and gums are safely covered with a silicone type gel, you will receive 4 different applications of whitening gel, each 15 minutes in length.
Is there any aftercare needed?
It’s important that you refrain from any colored drinks or food for 72 hours following the procedure, including no coffee or red wine, so you may want to schedule your teeth whitening treatment accordingly!
Ready for a brighter, whiter smile?
Recline in one of our comfortable dental chairs, listen to music or Netflix on headphones and relax. Ninety minutes later, you’ll have a brighter, more youthful smile.
Call us with any questions or to schedule an appointment with Dr. Kirsch.
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